Emergency Lighting
Installed to provide assistance in evacuating a building in the event of loss of the supply to the general lighting circuits, through fire or power failure.
Emergency lighting systems are installed to provide assistance in evacuating a building in the event of loss of the supply to the general lighting circuits, through fire or power failure. Emergency routes and exits requiring illumination must be provided with emergency lighting of adequate intensity in case lighting fails. It is the responsibility of all employers to ensure that all these systems are suitably maintained and checked to ensure they are safe and compliant.
Upon completion of the test, we will provide a report on any necessary repairs or improvements that may be required before issue of test certificate. On completion of testing, we will issue a Certification of Emergency Lighting Test and report along with maintenance records, emergency lighting log book and requirements for in house.
The Design stage of Emergency Lighting is also critical to any installation. If not carried out correctly, you could have a system that does not comply with regulations (I.S 3217: 2017).